From Milan to Montalcino, from court to the vineyards, from traditional viticulture to ‘fonobiologico’.

Carlo Cignozzi ‘the man who whispers to the vines’ shares his story in his latest book ‘Vaghe Stelle dell’Orcia’.
A collection of anecdotes written in a burlesque tone and illustrated by the drawings of a little Gea, bringing back to life the memories of over thirty years of a curious man who has found new roots in the hills of Montalcino.

What brought a lawyer from Milan to the hills of Brunello?
How has the territory changed from the seventies up until today?
How did the somewhat crazy dream of playing music to the vineyards transform into a new frontier of research?

A novel about wine and its people, outlining Carlo’s past: the early days at Caparzo winery, the adventures in the Montalcino, a revealing journey in Brazil, and then, the intuition: playing music in the vineyards of Sangiovese.

A unique story, combining the life experience of an enlightened vigneron with the events of a territory in continuous turmoil: the Val d’Orcia which shines with ideas and dazzling stars.

12 Uve Wine, the Crazy Blend of Il Paradiso di Frassina

Our 12 UVE is a truly unique red wine, there are no similar ones.

It is one of the most interesting Super Cru wines of the Italian enology. It is not a Super Tuscan, but comes from the blend of 12 different grapes; six from Tuscany and six from Bordeaux, which grow in our vineyard in Maremma, on the hills of Cinigiano, in the beautiful countryside south of Tuscany. (more…)

The phases of a vintage: the choice of the shoots and the control of the threads in the vineyard

Spring has now exploded in all its beauty. Hills are carpeted in shades of green and gold, roses have blossomed and are gently rocked by the wind. Our vineyard is blossoming in all its splendor; it is that period of the year in which our clusters are starting to bloom; it is a very important moment of the year. (more…)